Artikel mit dem Tag "barcelonainsidertipps"

Ein perfekter Tag in Barcelona
Direkter Zugang zum Meer und breite Sandstrände, kulturelle Meisterwerke wohin das Auge reicht sowie kulinarische Köstlichkeiten in Hülle und Fülle - wohl keine andere Stadt in Europa bietet diese perfekte Kombination aus Strand- und Kultururlaub so gut wie Barcelona. Und das bei durchschnittlich 7 Sonnenstunden pro Tag! Im folgenden Artikel möchten wir euch zeigen, wie für uns ein perfekter Tag in Barcelona aussieht!
In the following article we provide you with a short but informative overview of the most important districts of Barcelona. These are El Born, Gótico, Raval, Barceloneta (die Altstadt), Eixample (inkl. Sagrada Família and Sant Antoni), Gràcia, Poble Nou and Poble Sec. We also have one or the other secret recommendation for you! :)

Direct access to the ocean, wide sandy beaches, cultural masterpieces wherever you go and culinary delights everywhere - no other city in Europe offers such a perfect combination of beach, good food and drinks and culture for holidays as Barcelona. And that with an average of 7 hours of sunshine per day! The perfect city, right? In the following article we would like to show you what a perfect day in Barcelona looks like to us!
In this article we tell you about our favorite tapas restaurants in Barcelona. The number of tapas restaurants in Barcelona is endless, especially in the old town. It is so hard to decide where to go and to pick the really good. We have selected 7 tapas restaurants from different neighborhoods of Barcelona and in different price ranges for you. These are our personal recommendations of the best tapas restaurants in Barcelona. Vamos!

This blog article is about the Spanish tradition of eating tapas. When you visit beautiful Barcelona and want to experience the city like a local, having tapas for lunch or dinner is a must! For many, eating tapas - i.e. ordering several, small dishes and sharing these - is something very unusual. And that's exactly why we want to give you a few helpful tips today, so that you know everything when you have your tapas and so that you can really enjoy the food!
It’s time for a city trip and we all know this situation! You are exploring the city - in this case Barcelona - and your stomach starts growling. You do neither want to spend a lot of money nor spend a lot of time to find something to eat and yet you are still looking for the perfect place for a tasty and quick snack - preferably local and please no tourist trap! Here are our 5 favorite places for a small, fast, delicious and yet filling snack.

Vermouth is currently the trendiest drink in Barcelona! If you want to experience the city as a local, then you need to do a so-called vermuteo on Saturday or Sunday around midday. Here are our 5 favorite vermouth bars in Barcelona - just for you!
Barcelona is the ideal place because it is surrounded by numerous beaches. However, the problem is that many beaches are extremely crowded. Nevertheless, there are some insider tips about our favorite and less crowded beaches that we want to share with you! We have listed our 5 favorite beaches below. All are easily accessible by metro, bus or train.

In this article we summarize the most important aspects you have to know in order to not fall into the tourist trap but to be able to behave as a local. We wish someone would have told us these Dos and Donts when we first arrived. Enjoy reading!
Get to know Barcelonas best viewpoints! We summarize for you the best viewpoints from different parts of Barcelona to make sure you get the best views over Barcelona during your stay!

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